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SSDI Beneficiaries Are Eligible For Cash Rebate Under the CARES Act

Social security disability insurance (SSDI) beneficiaries will be among the American's receiving vital support from the coronavirus aid, relief and economic security or cares act. The amount of the cares rebate varies by family size and income recorded in recent tax years. Each individual adult taxpayer can receive up to $1,200, or $2,400 for joint filers and $500 for each child under age 17. Most American taxpayers with social security numbers will receive checks directly from the U.S. Treasury, through direct deposit or check, if they filed a 2018 or 2019 tax return. However, not everyone files a tax return each year and this may be the case for many SSDI beneficiaries whose monthly benefit averages $1,258 and have no earned income. To help ensure SSDI beneficiaries receive their rebate, the SSA plans to share information about current recipients with the internal revenue service, and $38 million has been provided to the SSA to assist in these efforts. The cash rebates are non-taxable and do not need to be repaid. If you need help with your SSDI, call a Tampa area attorney who focuses on just one thing. Mike Murburg is still available. You can reach him by phone email or teleconference. He's working hard to make sure SSDI recipients get everything they are entitled to. Call him today or visit disability