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If I Receive SSDI, Am I Guaranteed Benefits For Life?

If you have been awarded Social Security Disability Insurance benefits, then it's important that you pay close attention to the medical condition that qualifies you -- you are not guaranteed lifetime benefits. Tampa Social Security Disability Lawyer, Mike Murburg says: "You must report a change in circumstances that could affect your eligibility to receive SSDI benefits.  Failure to report changes, such as an improvement in your medical condition, could expose you to liability and require you to repay for the months where you were actually ineligible." To qualify for SSDI benefits, you must be able to show that:
  • You cannot work in your current position
  • You cannot adapt to an alternative position and
  • Your disabling condition will last for a minimum of one year, or is terminal.
If any of the above elements are influenced by changing circumstances, the SSA may be entitled to review and re-evaluate your benefits. If you have received a letter that you will have your medical condition reviewed or if you have had your disability status changed, it's critical that you contact an attorney who has experience navigating the SSA appeals process and securing disability benefits. The attorneys at the Office of Mike Murburg, P.A. understand the contours of SSDI disputes and how to effectively navigate the problems to secure a favorable resolution on behalf of their clients.