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Advice from a Tampa SSDI Attorney on Applying for Benefits During COVID-19

By now, we had all hoped the COVID-19 crisis would be behind us. Sadly it is not. In fact Florida has been moving in the wrong direction for while now. So applying for social security disability insurance, is just one more thing that takes extra time and effort these days. The process is lengthy and complicated even in normal times, and these are anything but normal times.

Now, SSA offices are closed, phone wait times are 90 minutes plus and the application backlog is growing by the day. So Tampa area disability attorney Mike Murburg has some advice. First don't delay: many people wait months after their disability sets in to start the wheels in motion. With the process moving slower than ever, that's just plain foolish. Next - work with someone who knows the process.

If your application is denied the first time, which it is for many people, you can appeal. But it can takes months or years to get through the appeals process, and if you are denied again,you'll need to request a hearing and who know how long that will take.

Mike Murburg can help by:

  • Collecting and submitting accurate information to the SSA
  • Communicating with the SSA on your behalf
  • Gathering evidence to support your claim
  • And monitoring the state of your case

Don't go at it alone, call Tampa area disability attorney Mike Murburg or visit