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Category: FAQs

Consultative Exam and SS Disability

May 1, 2015 Blog

Your Florida Social Security lawyer can explain that, in some cases, a consultative examination may become necessary. The following information can help provide answers to basic questions regarding these examinations. How Much Does the Exam Cost? Your Florida Social Security lawyer will explain that you do not have to pay […]

Social Security Disability and Age

May 1, 2015 Blog

Age, Limitations and Impairments As you go through the process of applying for benefits and showing that you have a disabling impairment, your Florida disability lawyer can explain how your age may affect the outcome of your case. He or she may discuss the following limitations that your age may […]

Mike Murburg Defines SSI and SSDI

November 14, 2014 Blog

What is the Difference between SSI and Social Security Disability? The main difference between Social Security Disability (SSD, or SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is the fact that SSD is available to workers who have accumulated a sufficient number of work credits, while SSI disability benefits are available to […]

The Soc. Sec. Disability Appeals Process

June 23, 2013 FAQs

1. If I get turned down, how do I appeal my initial Unfavorable SSDI or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Special Veterans Benefit (SVB) decision? There are three different ways to appeal: Case Review, Informal Conference, and Formal Conference.  You can pick the appeal that fits your case.  You can […]