By Kirby Wilson At the law offices of Mike Murburg, P.A., we strive to win Social Security Disability benefits for our Tampa-area clients. We believe the money we win for our clients in court can change those clients’ lives. Everyone wants to work, but some are incapable because of a […]
Author: Mike Murburg
We see from our experience with Railroad Retirement Disability clients and with riding the trains ourselves that many of the railroad employees are women. One of our first RRB disability cases concerned a woman who had developed such a disabling case of fibromyalgia that she could no longer perform her […]
To better serve our Railroad Retirement Board Disability clients, we have opened a new office location in downtown Chicago, right on Michigan Avenue, not too far from the Bureau of Hearings and Appeals for the Railroad Retirement Board and one of Mike’s favorite places, the Chicago Art Institute! We look […]
Post traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is an anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to a terrifying event or ordeal, such as abuse or a natural disaster or military combat. After experiencing a traumatic event some people develop this problem, while others do not. PTSD is diagnosed after the […]
1. If I get turned down, how do I appeal my initial Unfavorable SSDI or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Special Veterans Benefit (SVB) decision? There are three different ways to appeal: Case Review, Informal Conference, and Formal Conference. You can pick the appeal that fits your case. You can […]