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Railroad Retirement Disability Benefits for Women

January 26, 2014 Blog

We see from our experience with Railroad Retirement Disability clients and with riding the trains ourselves that many of the railroad employees are women. One of our first RRB disability cases concerned a woman who had developed such a disabling case of fibromyalgia that she could no longer perform her railroad job or any other job. Fibromyalgia is a very painful and disabling condition, and is far more common among women than among men. We were able to collect the evidence needed to prove the severity of her fibromyalgia case and ultimate get these important benefits for her.

We ride the trains and see how hard all railroad employees work to keep the trains running. The hours are long and the schedules can be very demanding. We hope all railroad workers keep the trains running for many years to come. If you cannot work because you are disabled, we hope you will let us assist you.