Though in the past Social Security income was tax-exempt, the landscape of Social Security has changed in recent years. Social Security income is now federally taxable, though this does not apply to most beneficiaries. Further, 15% of your Social Security benefits will be paid out tax-free, no matter what. Curious […]
Category: Blog
If you have already divorced (or are currently navigating the process of divorce) but your ex-spouse is or will receive a Social Security benefit, then you may be entitled to receive benefits as a matter of law. Importantly, however, there’s no need for the qualifying worker (on whose work record […]
Whether you’re applying for SSI benefits for the first time, appealing a denial of benefits, filing for modification of existing benefits, or otherwise pursuing a claim under the Social Security Act, you are legally entitled to be represented by an attorney for such purposes. Skilled Social Security disability attorneys are […]
If you’ve served in the military, then chances are that you’ve paid taxes into the Social Security system on the earnings you made during active (and inactive) military service. As a current or former service member, your military earnings contribute to and help you qualify for Social Security benefits. It’s […]
Medicare prescription drug coverage can be costly and difficult for those who have limited financial resources. Fortunately, the federal government provides those with limited means the opportunity to apply for and potentially receive “Extra Help” to defray the various costs associated with Medicare prescription drug coverage (i.e., premiums, deductibles, co-payments, […]